Dealing in Collectable Cards, Worldwide.
I deal in Cigarette Cards, Trade Cards & also framing cards. I have created these pages to introduce you to the world of card collecting and if interested offer both a BUYING and SELLING service.
After over 20 years of trading I am now running this as a full time business. I am always looking to buy collections of Tobacco Cigarette Cards & Trade Cards such as A&BC Gum, Thomson, Primrose, amongst many others.
If you have any tobacco or trade cards for sale then please get in touch by emailing me with a few details of what you have. I will then contact you with what I am sure you will find a fair offer.
I am currently transferring every single card I have to my eBay store which is linked on the left of this page. I have a huge amount of odd cards and sets in stock so if you need anything in particular please get in touch!